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VIP RV Park Honored Again
- Updated: September 26, 2014
VIP La Feria RV Park was chosen by TRVA (Texas Recreational Vehicle Association) as Park of the Year for Medium size parks for 2014 from the entire state of Texas membership.
This is the second year in a row that VIP La Feria RV Park has received this award. They were also the winner in the same category for 2013.
John & Ruth Dearinger are the managers of VIP La Feria RV Park.
The Texas Recreational Vehicle Association had its beginning as part of the Texas Mobile Home Association.
During the early 1970’s it became apparent that members of TMHA who were in the RV industry had a need to organize a separate entity. With a small number of dedicated members TRVA was organized in 1974 as a nonprofit trade association.