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Meet the LFISD School Board Candidates
- Updated: October 24, 2014
Places 4, 5, 6, and 7 to be filled on November 4th
Place 4 Candidates
Lisa Montalvo
Why are you running for office and what differentiates you from your opponent?
I decided to run for office because I believe I can contribute to combining our traditions and the history of La Feria ISD being an exemplary school with new ideas and positive solutions that would help our district move towards the high standards LFISD is known for. I also believe in preserving the integrity of a district where I was afforded the opportunity to excel both academically and in my extra- curricular activities. These opportunities lead to the development of lifelong friendships and relationships. My community knows me and my entire family; we have deep roots in La Feria.
I grew up in La Feria and graduated from LFHS, lived outside La Feria during my college and my early years of marriage, but returned to raise my family in La Feria. My involvement and focus on empowering our youth to develop their full potential is a testament to my belief in having a strong community for all. I am proud of my home town values. The vibrant community environment and strong family values were the driving forces in my husband and my decision to raise our family in La Feria. I am fully vested in this community as were my parents when they chose to make La Feria our home. The organizations I am involved with I feel are necessary to continue the La Feria traditions, and this is what differentiates me from my opponent.
What is the biggest issue facing LFISD and what would you do to address it?
This is a tough question to answer because what I may think is the biggest issue facing LFISD may not be what my neighbor thinks is the biggest issue. So I asked some members of our community and most said they were concerned with our district’s accountability rating. In 2011, LFHS received an “Academically Unacceptable” rating. Last year, however, LFISD achieved a “Met Standards” rating. Some grade levels surpassed the region and state averages. This is a step in the right direction. Nonetheless, there are some grade levels that need attention. We need a well-balanced curriculum that will result in improved student learning. To turn a vision into reality requires that we stay focused and continue to strive toward excellence in all our campuses by maintaining continuity in our educators’ longevity.
A seven member board provides us the opportunity to focus on multiple areas of concern, such as the increasing rate of teen pregnancy, the drug problem, and career/college readiness. These are all important issues to our community that need to be addressed as well. I am ready to be a member of a team that is striving to address this and other areas of concern.
What aspect of your platform do you feel should appeal the most to our students and parents?
My platform is to expand the college/career path courses (Personal Graduation Plans) that La Feria High School provides the students. The medical field is growing and changing as is the technology field. We (LFHS) need to keep up with the changes in and demands of these fields. With Space X coming to the Rio Grande Valley, our students should have the opportunity to explore careers in this field. Another example is UT-RGV, the new medical school opening in 2015. Our students who would like to pursue a medical career need to have a permanent program established at LFHS. Students participating in these courses could transition to higher education and/or careers after graduation with the certifications they’ve earned. The local campus, Our Lady of the Lake, provides an abundance of opportunities for all our students. There are some students who choose not to pursue a higher education. Therefore, we must prepare them for the workforce with career skills that will help them succeed. My platform involves increasing resources for all students.
What qualities or experiences make you the best candidate for this position?
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Texas- Pan American and am actively involved in my community. I am a Religious Education teacher and Youth Ministry leader at St. Francis Xavier. I am also an active member of the La Feria Band Booster. I was on the Site-Based Decision Making Committee at WB Green Jr. High. However, I would say my best quality or experience is that I am currently a student at STC (South Texas College) pursuing a Pharmacy Technician Certification. I understand the college readiness our students will need to succeed in their pursuit of higher education.
What do you believe are the greatest needs of our area, concerning education, and how do you plan on addressing them?
As my campaign slogan states one student at a time, all students have their unique talents and needs. At-risk students are students that face different challenges daily that jeopardize their learning and therefore, jeopardizing their high school graduation and pursue of higher education. These students have a higher probability of dropping out due to risk factors like socioeconomic status, family academic background, home environment, social behavior, etc. However, I believe that all students’ needs need to be identified early and intervene with assistance and support so they can excel academically. Obstacles can be overcome with the right tools and approach. Every child is entitled to a good education.
If I get elected I promise the people of La Feria I will…
…work hard for all. School board trustees are held to a higher standard of accountability than those employed by the district, as it should be, and therefore, should always work hard to achieve the vision for the district and community. I would also like to add, as a member of eight, I will listen to both the voice of the community and the district staff that work daily with our children.
Jose Medeles
My vision for La Feria ISD is: a) provide equal opportunities and funding for all students, b)fair and equal employment policies and procedures that includes enhanced staff development, c) technology awareness and resources, and d) accountability/transparency of administration at all levels and e)use our budget dollars more efficiently. Beyond merely having open meetings, I want to proactively solicit the opinions of parents and teachers in making Board decisions, and to make the Board more responsive to community needs. While future school funding remains uncertain, I will do the utmost to maintain a quality education for all students, high achieving and special needs, alike. While I would endeavor to improve test scores and graduation rates, I do not want enrichment programs to fall by the wayside. I believe the Board’s job is to foster an educational environment where students thrive, not merely produce adequate test scores that meet minimum standards. If elected, I will work hard to focus on pro-active change, and exercise leadership to foster consensus between teachers, administrators, parents, students, and the community at large. I respectfully request your vote in the upcoming election.
- Spouse: Ramona Garcia La Feria High Class of 1988
Children: Jade Morales La Feria High Class of 2011, Attending TSTC; Zoe Medeles La Feria High – Freshman; Zada Medeles CE Vail – 4th grade; Ziah Medeles Sanchez Elem – 2nd Grade - UTPA – Computer Information Systems
- Texas A&M University – Aerospace Engineering
- Employed with Anthelio Healthcare Solutions, Inc. IT Manager – Database Administration
- Member of St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
- Former T-Ball Coach for La Feria Pony League
- Former Softball Coach for La Feria Pony League
- Girls Youth Basketball Coach for La Feria City League
- 2014 La Feria Basketball League Board Member
- Girls Youth Soccer Coach for Arroyo Youth Soccer League
- Girls Youth Basketball Coach for Boys and Girls Club in Harlingen
Place 5 Candidates
Javier Loredo
Dear Constituents of the La Feria Community,
My name is Javier Loredo, and I am seeking re-election for place 5 in the La Feria Independent School District’s Board of Trustee’s election. I am married to Nancy Loredo, kindergarten teacher in the La Feria District, and have three children, Pricilla, Javier Jr., and Jaycee. I am also a proud grandparent of a beautiful granddaugher, Isabellah. I am a native of La Feria having attended school in the district as well as watching my own children attend school in this district. My family and I are actively involved in the community having served as a volunteer coach for little league baseball and basketball and a member of St. Francis Xavier Parish.
I have served as a member of the Board for 4 years. My goal for the past four years was to be the voice of the community and to consistently strive to put the needs of our students first. I have worked hard to ensure that ALL students receive the best possible education. I am seeking re-election because I want to be a part of a team that ensures that we remain an excelling district that continues along the right path for success for our students.
If elected, I promise the people of La Feria I will continue to be your voice on the board nd keep our students first when making decisions. I continue to hear that our schools are struggling with our Bilingual and ESL program. I will continue to work as a team to provide the schools with all the tools needed to educate our students who continue to struggle. Just like the many districts here in the Valley, funding continues to be an issue we face. I plan to continue finding ways to save money to continue finding ways to increase salaries for our teachers.
I am seeking re-election to continue to be the voice of our community. We as a Board have worked hard to create policy that makes a positive impact on our children and approve a budget to make sure our schools continue to have the proper tools needed to educate our students. I continue to have an invested interest in our schools with a child still attending our schools. I want her and all children in our community to receive the best education La Feria ISD can provide.
I would like to thank the community for the support given to me four year ago when I first was elected as a member of our school board. I would appreciate your support to once again be provided the opportunity to serve the students of our district. Remember that Early Voting begins October 20-31, 2014. Election Day is November 4, 2014. Let your voice be heard, GO OUT AND VOTE! Thank you and may God bless!
Roberto Leal
Why are you running for oftice and what differentiates you from the opponent?
I, Robert “Venado” Leal , want what is best for La Feria I.S.D. I am a community member who attends all meetings. As a board member, I will not pick and choose what meeting I want to attend because it is important for all board members to be present in order to come to a consensus on what is best for La Feria I.S.D.
What is the biggest issue facing La Feria I.S.D. and what would you do to address it?
One of the biggest issues facing La Feria I.S.D. is the high turnover rate among teachers. We have lost some excellent teachers in the past, but we need to stay up with the current pay scales, so we can keep and attract highly qualified teachers to teach our children.
What aspect of your platform do you feel that appeal most to our students and parents?
One aspect of my platform is “Let’s Take Care of La Feria I.S.D.” and the other is “Let’s Embrace Our Children.” When I draw from both these statements what comes to mind is student safety and security. Times are changing and the district needs to put Children’s safety first. It is my understanding that cameras have been installed, but I think the district needs to add other security measures to take care of our school system and most importantly the children.
- We need to keep up with current trends in curriculum and technology.
- Another important factor is dual enrollment in schools. This allows our students to receive college credits before they graduate from high school.
What qualities or experiences make you the best candidate for this position?
- First of all, I am a fair individual who is willing to hear both sides of the spectrum with an open mind, and you are able to do so, when you attend all the meetings.
- I have experience with proper business procedures and purchasing.
- I firmly believe in the Correct Decision Not the Popular One.
- I am also an independent thinker that will follow the chain of command appropriately.
Chain Of Command for School Board Members
- A Board Trustee who has a concern follows the chain of command by referring the concern to the Superintendent.
- The Superintendent investigates the concern and relays information back to the board. That is proper procedure!
No school board member should be entering any schools to investigate any issues with administration or a teacher and demanding immediate results. This job belongs to the Superintendent. These are not my rules or my platform. It is the law.
What do you believe are the greatest needs of our area, concerning education, and how do you plan on addressing them?
Our greatest need is a united community and a united school board. This compadre system needs to stop. Everyone needs to be in the school system for the right reasons and evaluate what is needed concerning the education of our children, schools, teachers, and administration.
Place 6 Candidates
David “Baz” Bazaldua
As a La Feria resident, I was appointed to a four year term to the La Feria Independent School District Board of Trustees in November 2010. I attended and was educated in the La Feria Independent School District system. Upon graduation in 1988, I started to work at La Feria High School and continued my education at Texas Southmost in Brownsville. As a former business owner and now the Truancy/Attendance Officer for the Santa Maria Independent School District, I am still a strong believer that La Feria ISD continues to strive for excellence and I will continue to support our teachers and staff.
I continue to represent the community of La Feria with the same ethics our former school administrators bestowed on us. Making a difference in our youth and being a positive role model for all children, I continue to support the city of La Feria community youth programs and coach for the football and basketball leagues. With all the hours spent on working with these student/athletes, my goal is to promote a positive atmosphere by teaching them respect, responsibility, discipline and character and have that spill into our classrooms where they become great leaders in La Feria.
I am running to continue to be the voice of our community. As a board member, I have work hard to create policy that makes a positive impact on our children and approve a budget to make sure our schools continue to have the proper tools needed to educate are students. I will continue to have an invested interest in our schools with my children still attending our schools. We want them and all children in our community to receive the best education La Feria ISD can provide.
Katie Johnson
Why are you running for office and what differentiates you from your opponent?
I believe that my years of experience, knowledge, wisdom and involvement with the community and La Feria School district make me an asset to the current Board. Several of my children, Shanna, Oscar, Jennifer and Mikayla and all of my husband’s family are graduates of La Feria. Also my mother-in-law Ruth Ann Johnson was a teacher and principal for La Feria ISD for many years. When my children were in school they were very involved in extra curricular activities and sometimes would not get home until late at night. I knew they were in the best care with all our wonderful Coaches, Bus Drivers and staff. I have been very involved also in all their activities. The district is near and dear to my heart and I want only the best for our students and staff.
What is the biggest issue facing La Feria ISD and what would you do to address it?
Continuing education, conferences for our teachers to keep them updated with all of the current teaching techniques. La Feria is known for their highly qualified teaching staff. Our teachers and Coaches are the ones shaping our students minds. The students are our tomorrow, our doctors, lawyers, nurses, store clerks, mechanics, computer technicians, etc. I also think we need more school and community involvement. “We are one”.
What aspect of your platform do you feel should appeal the most to our students and parents?
This is why I picked my slogan to be “One Student at a Time”. We are all different and unique in our on ways and we all have different needs. Out of all my children not one of them are alike or the same. For example, I consider myself to be a very smart person and would make an A on my work but could not take a test. I would go into panic mode, I had wished later in life that one of my teachers would have taught me how to take a test. I want to look at each child individually and see what area they need help in. “One Student at a Time”.
What qualities or experiences makes you the best candidate for this position?
I have been involved in the La Feria school and community activities for many years. I am a strong believer in community service and helping in all school activities. I also believe for any type of success you must work as a team. I even dressed up as a La Feria Football player for a contest for the Relay for Life one year. Helmet and all! I love children and want to help them. I have been a member of the La Feria Band Booster Club, Past Board Member of the La Feria Athletic Booster Club where we helped in all sports. I am currently on the Board of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Children Director of First Baptist Church La Feria where I work with Children’s Church and Preschool and Mission Friends and also Youth Group. I am the President of the Harlingen Insurance Professionals, we do community service for Relay for Life, Vannie Cook Children’s Cancer Clinic, Family Crisis Center, Muscular Dystrophy Association, Diabetes Association, and American Heart Association.
Here in La Feria we have the Caring Closet Ministry. I have been employed for 23 years with Shepard Walton King Insurance Group and am the Executive Administrative Assistant, I also have my General Lines License in Property & Casualty Insurance. I am married to Mike Johnson and together we have 7 children and 9 grandchildren. I am a strong believer in exercise and eating healthy, but I still like my deserts! I really like my Zumba classes in La Feria. I am a strong believer in “Tradition” and am very fluent in Spanish as I lived in Mexico for 10 years. Guadalajara and Acapulco are beautiful!! God is my provider and exercise is my therapy!!
What do you believe are the greatest needs of our area, concerning education, and how do you plan on addressing them?
I think a great need is to make sure our students are ready for continuing education after graduation from La Feria ISD. Whether it is 4 years of college, vocational certification, etc., students need to be more employable. We need to make sure all students know of the programs available to them through the school. Besides AP program, and the availability of college credit during high school, we have a cosmetology course, phlebotomy course, electrical course, etc. Our Students need to take advantage of all this that is offered. Maybe the school needs to advertise what they offer more so parents know what options their children have. We know most students at the secondary level do not tell their parents what is going on. I know the school talks to the students, but the parents do not know what the students know.
If elected I promise the people of La Feria…
…That I will do my best to be a great Board member. I will attend all meetings and be there for parent, children and staff. I promise to put my heart and love into all that I do. I will not be blind sided and will look and study the whole picture of any situation. I will take care of your children as if they were my own and help them succeed and overcome any obstacle they may face as education is so important.
Place 7 Candidate
Juan Briones
Hi, my name is Juan M. Briones. I am the candidate for La Feria ISD Board Place 7. I have served on the board since May 2008 and am currently the Board President. I’d like to thank the community for choosing me to represent you on the school board over the past 6 years. A single board member does not make changes, but working together with the entire Board and Superintendent team great things can happen in a district. I had the privilege of serving on the board during the design and construction on Sam Houston elementary during my first term. During that term, the board also increased access to the PreK-4 program to more families in this community. During my second term, the overall tax rate was decreased from $1.336 to $1.299. Over the past few years, the district has also expanded Dual Enrollment classes and Career & Technology opportunities.
This past year, the school district has begun the Connect Initiative to expand technology and has worked on making our campuses safer for our students and staff. The district has also added a Choir program and Mariachi program to give more fine arts opportunities to our students.
I am running unopposed in this election and I feel it is such an honor to be serving this community that I was raised in for the next 4 years. I am humbled that you would place your faith and trust in me. I do not take this responsibility lightly, and I will continue to make choices that are in the best interest of our students and community.
I would like to wish the other candidates good luck and look forward to working as a team to continue to make La Feria ISD the best district in the State of Texas. I would like to thank my family, especially my wife Adriana, for their continuous support and for understanding that the time put in to this position is to help provide opportunities to all the children of this community. Once again, thank you for the opportunity to serve you.