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A Visit to La Feria’s Upgraded Library
- Updated: November 14, 2014
“Lots of New Services and Features”

Bailey H Dunlap Memorial Library with its two-story Multi-Media Annex
Been to La Feria’s Bailey H. Dunlap Memorial Library lately? If not, “You need to come and see what’s new in our enhanced, state-of-the-art learning center–you are going to be surprised.” Those were the compelling words of its Director Lori Vogt. This spirited young lady has been heading the staff since 1998 as the library just keeps on growing. Vogt has 15 years of library service. Library Assistant Veronica Rubio has 17 years of service.
These busy ladies gave LA FERIA NEWS an update on all the new services and equipment that is now available to local citizens–and there is much to see.

Veronica Rubio and Lori Vogt welcome you to the library
Vogt reports that the big news at the library is the acquisition of a new, bigger, and better Internet provider. This means that customers using the banks of 30 new state-of-the-art Dell computers are able to access even more services than before. She stressed that students, business people and our Winter Texans are welcome to use the computers cost-free and explore the Internet for research and pleasure. The computers are for people of any age. “You just have to have a current library card,” she added.
The Computer Lab was in full use as LA FERIA NEWS made the tour. Cristiana Hernandez of Bluetown and her mother, Enriqueta Hernandez, were busy at the keyboards. Cristina said, “These computers are so handy for me and my mother.”
At the next station, TSTC college student Rachael Medrano from La Feria was doing her class assignments. “This is a great place to come and study,” she said.
Parents sometimes ask about security and access to undesirable web-sites for their children. Vogt assures parents that they shouldn’t fret about harmful web-sites as the library has systems to filter children’s access. Library personnel continuously monitor and oversee the contents of the programs being utilized. All screens are fully visible.
More good news for library users is that a second-floor Multi-Media Meeting room has been added to the existing building. “This will allow civic and other organizations to have a nice place for public meetings,” she said, adding, “this new facility is equipped for video-conferencing, and additionally, the library also plans to host computer classes for the public.” Readers should call Lori or Veronica for more information.
On the south wall of the library, visitors will note a Memorial Wall, which permanently records the names of some 500 donors and supporters who made the Bailey H. Dunlap Memorial Library possible. When visiting the library, take a moment to peruse the names on the two brick walls in the library. It reads like a veritable Who’s who of La Feria’s prominent and not-so prominent people who contributed. They are now taking names of the next 500 donors to be so honored–interested?
Another popular area in the library is the dedicated area called The Kiddie Korner. It features all-new, relaxing “kid-size” furniture where youngsters can do homework, and catch up on what’s going on in their worlds. “Libraries have become lively, energetic places these days,” Vogt said. “Our library is a first-class facility providing almost everything that any major library offers–something we can be proud of.”

Computer Lab users: (l-r) Cristiana Hernandez, Enriqueta Hernandez of Bluetown, and TSTC student Rachel Medrano of La Feria
Bailey H. Dunlap Memorial Library now has over 25,000 books along with 100s of audio and video tapes, including the “talking books” series. The library is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday from 12:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the hours are from 12:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Saturdays, they are from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
About Lori herself, she says, “I’ve found my niche in life as a library director–I love it,” adding: “I love the books, I love the people, and I love new things–all that is everyday fare at the library.”
Lori and her staff say: “See you at the library–reading is educational, it broadens your horizons, it opens up new worlds to you, and besides–it’s fun.!”
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