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Cobarrubias and Students Honored at School Board Meeting
- Updated: November 21, 2014

LF School Board Member – Pancho Cobarrubias
A reception was held on Monday, November 10 at the regular scheduled board meeting to honor Pancho Cobarrubias, Board Trustee, for his service to the La Feria Independent School District. Mr. Cobarrubias has served on the Board for 16 years. Mr. Cobarrubias has been a champion for student success throughout his tenure. His focus has always been on the children and on improving conditions for the staff. He has always maintained the highest standards of integrity and honor and held the highest of expectations of administration and staff for the benefit of students. He has seen many changes in the district and worked with superintendents Butch Wenke, Luis Garza, Nabor Cortez, and Rey Villarreal.

LFHS Varsity Lionettes Cross Country Regional Qualifiers
Superintendent Celebrations
La Feria High School students were honored at the regular scheduled board meeting on Monday, November 10. The Boys’ Cross Country Team was District Champions and also Regional Qualifiers. The Girls’ Cross Country Team were Regional Qualifiers. The high school band also was honored for making it to the UIL State Marching Band Competition for the first time in La Feria ISD history. Congratulations to all students, coaches, and directors!

LFHS Varsity Lions Cross Country District Champs

LFHS Band State Qualifiers
Neighborhood Schools
An information item was presented to the Board to discuss the concept of Neighborhood Schools in La Feria Independent School District. The design being evaluated is to construct three elementary schools with the grade span being prekindergarten through 4th grade. This change would not affect Noemi Dominguez Elementary, W. B. Green Jr. High, or La Feria High School. The goal of this initiative is to improve instruction and eliminate barriers of multiple transitions for students in the district. Currently La Feria ISD transitions students six times from grades PK-12th grade. If La Feria ISD would implement Neighborhood Schools, students would transition four times. Staff meetings were held with Sam Houston Elementary, David G. Sanchez Elementary, and C. E. Vail Elementary. A community information session was also held on October 27.
The following Frequently Asked Questions were developed from the staff and community meetings.
What made the school district consider changing to neighborhood schools?
This is a student instructional decision based on research that shows that the higher the number of transitions, the more adverse effects there are on instruction. Currently, La Feria leads the region with six transitions and research shows this can limit student success especially for students of lower economic status. With this new model, the number of transitions will be shortened. Another reason for the recommendation was the Texas Education Agency’s concern about the number of transitions we currently have.
What does research show about how the neighborhood school model will improve our education system?
“Students in schools with multiple grade levels have higher academic achievement, attendance rates, self-esteem, and attitudes toward school” (Franklin and Glasscock, 1998).
“School grade level achievement declines during transition years for all grades levels. Students who make fewer transitions need fewer years to make up for achievement losses caused by transitions” (Alspaugh, 1999).
“Special education students at all levels experience academic and social difficulties in adjustment as they make transitions throughout their educational careers” (Akos, 2005).
How will the district address facility changes necessary at the campuses to serve grades pre-K 4 through grades 4?
The renovations to meet the needs of students (i.e. restroom fixtures, water fountains, playgrounds, etc.) will be in phases and done by priority.
Do the cafeterias have enough space for the different age groups at each campus? Yes, there would be no difference in numbers; therefore, space would be sufficient.
Will the campuses be large enough to serve all students? Yes, the number of students at each campus will remain relatively the same as the current number of students that are attending now.
How will library books for the various grade levels be addressed? Our current inventory of books will be reconfigured for use at each campus per librarian recommendation.
What about the safety factor of mixing pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students with older students on the bus? The safety of our students remains a priority. Currently, pre-kindergarten and kindergarten students ride the bus with the older students in the morning.
Will combining younger students with older students increase bullying at the campus? Students in PreK4 – 4th Grade will be separated by schedules as well as by building placement as much as possible by current building design. Administration and teachers are vigilant with supervision to prevent bullying.
How will teacher assignments be determined? Currently, we are looking at providing teachers the opportunity to submit campus preferences. The campus administrators will then collaborate to determine appropriate certifications and needs. This will begin the process of selecting teachers for all three campuses.
Where will the children of staff members who live outside of the LFISD be placed? They will be allowed to request, but requests will only be honored if there is available space in the particular campus. These children will be assigned to campuses according to need based on equity.
If a teacher lives within the school district and requests his/her child to attend another neighborhood school, will their request be granted? Requests will be accepted and honored if there is room for their child on that specific campus, the same as all other requests.
How will the final decision be made? The Superintendent will make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees.
How will we determine which students will be attending specific campuses? A demographer has been hired to create zoning boundaries which will allow for an equitable distribution of different students by social economic status and by enrollment numbers.