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City Commission Designates Firms for Planning Services, Awards Bid for Drainage Improvements
- Updated: July 24, 2015
The La Feria City Commission held its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, July 14, at 6:30 p.m. in the City Commission Meeting Room at 115 E. Commercial Avenue in La Feria.
After observing the usual protocols of a regular meeting (invocation, pledge, determining quorum present, call to order, and a review and approval of past meetings’ minutes), the commission opened a public hearing to receive input and collect evidence on the proposed zoning of 9,710 acres of Block 4 Potter Subdivision to a C-2, General Commercial District. Having no community representatives present, the floor was closed quickly, however the commission moved to table the consideration of an ordinance amending Chapter 14, Exhibit A of the La Feria Code of Ordinances as well as amending the boundaries of the C-2 Zoning District on the official zoning map of the city and amending the City’s Comprehensive Plan while providing an effective date. This was due to the cancellation of the La Feria Planning and Zoning Committee meeting on July 13 due to the lack of a quorum sufficient to conduct the meeting. The item will be on the city’s agenda next month once the Planning and Zoning Committee have had their meeting and made their own recommendations.
Next the commission reviewed proposals received from prospective firms for planning services in the development of the City of La Feria Comprehensive Master Plan funded by the Texas Department of Agriculture, Texas Community Development Block Grant Planning and Capacity Building Fund, a Multi-Hazard Mitigation Action Plan funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency through the Texas Division of Emergency Management and a Comprehensive Strategic Plan for targeted areas, primarily with the City of La Feria extraterritorial jurisdiction, if funded by USDA Rural Business Service Rural Business Enterprise Grant. The firms selected to develop the plans were Stewart Planning Consulting for the Comprehensive Plans and H20 Partners for the Hazard Mitigation Action Plan. With the selection of the firms, the Commission also authorized the city manager to negotiate and execute the contracts for these planning services.
The Commission then reviewed bids received to award a contract for Unit 4C: AN-47 Drainage Improvements Mid-Way to the lowest most qualified responsible bidder. The contract for $2,379,212 was awarded to Texas Cordia Construction of Edinburg.
Finally, the Commission approved a resolution accepting the Water Distribution System Improvements completed by Cornett Construction and funded by Texas Water Development Board Drinking Water State Revolving Fund.
The next meeting of the La Feria City Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, July 28th at 6:30 p.m. in the City Commission Meeting Room at 115 E. Commercial Avenue in La Feria. The community is welcome to attend and an agenda can usually be downloaded from the city’s website at www.cityoflaferia.com/boards-and-commissions/city-commission/agendas-2015/.