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Lions Club District Governor’s Visit, Club Inducts New Members
- Updated: September 4, 2015

Picture of Mercedes Lions President, Leo Villarreal, presenting pin to District Governor, Juan Lopez
On August 12 Mercedes Lions Club was honored by a visit from Lions District 2A-3 District Governor, Juan Lopez of Edinburg Lions Club. He spoke of the role and challenges of Lions in the world today. Following his speech, Mercedes Lions Club President, Leo Villarreal presented him with a Mercedes Lions Club pin. Afterward the District Governor presented Lion Sylvia Carlin with a special centennial pin for her part in promoting Lions Clubs International by sponsoring two new members.

Picture of District Governor, Juan Lopez, presenting commemorative coin to Lion Sylvia Carlin

Front row (l to r) New members: Peggy Estrada, Dr. Dan Trevino, Elvira Bowe. 2nd row: Sylvia Carlin, sponsor, Leo Villarreal, president, and George Bowe, sponsor. Back row: Members: Wally Bunton, Lindley Lentz, Mary Bunton, and Laura McCutchen
On August 19, 2015 three new members were inducted into Mercedes Lions Club. Past-District Governor Helen Muse inducted Elvira Bowe, Dr. Dan Trevino, and Peggy Estrada into the club and instructed them in the good things that Lions do around the world while carrying out the motto: We Serve. Afterward Mercedes Lions Club President, Leo Villarreal, gave a brief history of the local club and some of the important things the club had done for the Mercedes community. New members were presented with vests and Lions International and Mercedes Lions pins and heartily welcomed by the present club members.