Don't Miss
- Lions End First Half of 32-4A on a High Note
- La Feria ISD Held Another Successful Parent Conference
- Strong Appearance for Lions at Hidalgo Power Meet
- LFECHS Students Get to Meet Local Actress
- Students Participate in Marine Biology Camp
- Two LFECHS Students Qualify for All-State Band
- Lions, Lionettes Add Wins in Basketball
- City Council Discuss Grants, Sidewalk Improvements & More
- Fiesta de La Feria is Right Around the Corner
- Popular National Chain Opens in La Feria
RGV Cookie Coalition to LFPD – YOUR LIVES MATTER!
- Updated: August 26, 2016
The Rio Grande Valley Cookie Coalition is a volunteer organization made up of local bakeries, businesses and private individuals that donate, bake and/or deliver cookies to local law enforcement agencies in appreciation and support of their work and for risking their lives in the line of duty every day. The Coalition visited the La Feria Police Department last week. Here members of the coalition stand with local officers. Photos: Eliza Mendez