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Sandoval Named New La Feria City Manager
- Updated: October 7, 2016
by Martha E. Ibarra/LFN
The La Feria City Commission held its regularly scheduled city meeting on Tuesday, September 27, in the city commission meeting room located at 115 E. Commercial Avenue in La Feria.
At this meeting, the city commission reviewed the salary and benefits of the city manager candidate that has been appointed to the position of city manager. Jaime Sandoval, who begins working for the city on October 10, has been hired as the new city manager for La Feria.
Following the invocation, pledge of allegiance, and determining quorum present Mayor Maldonado called the meeting to order and immediately opened the floor for public comments.
The current school board secretary- treasurer, Gloria Santillan Casas, came forth and spoke to the commission regarding the set-up of a program aimed at addressing anti-bullying, “As you all know, our goal is to have the best community for our children and that involves having an environment where a child can feel safe and accepted and loved,” said Casas. She encouraged the commission to join her and the rest of the district in wearing blue on Monday, October 3, in honor of World Day of Bullying Prevention.
The mayor and commission then went on to approve the minutes from the previous city meetings, (September, 13 & September, 19.)
Next, Kin Mendoza, finance director, came forth and went into detail about an amendment to the city’s budget. Mendoza reviewed the budget with the committee and a motion was made to approve the amendment- the motion passed.
The commission then went on to take the appropriate action to approve or deny a memorandum of understanding between the city of La Feria and the American Red Cross. Planning and Community Development director, Paula Rodriguez, discussed the memorandum with the committee. “The American Red Cross contacted us and offered their services to work with us hand in hand to facilitate and work domestic disasters and mass care responsibilities… They offered their assistance and support in that… The red cross and city of La Feria will work hand in hand to mutually facilitate and expedite services and care in a declared emergency,” said Rodriguez. Commissioner Eric Hoff made a motion to approve the memorandum of understanding and the motion passed.
Rodriguez went on to explain to the commission about a shelter agreement between the City of La Feria and the American Red Cross for the operation management of the FEMA community safe rooms during a declared emergency. A motion passed to approve the shelter agreement.
Next, the commission approved an ordinance to temporarily close a portion of South Canal Street, between West Spruce Avenue and West Jessamine Avenue, during the annual St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church Festival. The festival will be held at 500 South Canal Street in La Feria. The streets will be closed on Saturday, October 29, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 10:00 PM and on Sunday, October 30, between the hours of 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM.
The next item up for discussion involved the approval of a resolution certifying contract compliance and accepting the comprehensive plan for La Feria. The City of La Feria contracted, Chris Stewart- Stewart Planning Consulting LLC- to develop a comprehensive plan. Stewart has presented the plan to the city commission on various occasions. The plan has been finalized, reviewed and has met the standards of the Texas Department of Agriculture.

Jaime Sandoval, who had been assistant city manager for the city of Mercedes for the past two years, was named city manager at last Tuesday’s city commission meeting. Photo: LFN archives
Mayor Maldonado, as well as the rest of the commission, then went into closed executive session for attorney consultation and to select Mr. Jaime Sandoval, assistant city manager for the city of Mercedes for the last two years, as the new city manager for La Feria. Mr. Sandoval was one of 26 applicants for the position which was left open with the recent departure of long time city manager Sunny K. Philip.
The next city meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 11, in the city commission meeting room located at 115 E. Commercial Avenue in La Feria. The public is encouraged to attend.