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La Feria High School Multi-Class Reunion
- Updated: November 18, 2016
Special to La Feria News
Fun, sun, friends, and memories came together at South Padre Island for the LFHS classes from 1946-1969. For the third time since 2010 almost 300 La Feria High School grads and spouses got together for an October multi-class reunion. This triannual celebration has become a favorite of the 23 classes in attendance. Once again hundreds showed that Lion Pride never dies, friendships remain after graduation, and memories made at La Feria High School last a lifetime.
Celebrating what is now part of the multi-reunion weekend, the evening before the Saturday banquet the events kicked off with individual classes getting together at various restaurants on the island and in Port Isabel. It’s a tradition that gives a more intimate setting for classmates to reacquaint and reminisce before the larger, main event.
Sam Storms, class of ’59, served as the emcee for the evening, which began with special acknowledgment to the Gene Bates, who was a coach and teacher in the 1950’s,
and the oldest teacher in attendance. The classmate who traveled the furthest to attend was Dore Judd from the class of 1967. She traveled almost 2,400 miles from Oregon to make it to the reunion. The oldest classmate in attendance was Mary Eleanor Simich from the class of 1946.
Three classes marked special anniversaries this year. The class of 1946 celebrated their 70th reunion, the class of 1956 their 60th, and the class of 1966 had a joint 50th reunion with the class of 1967, which chose to celebrate their 50th reunion one year early. Responding with the most enthusiasm this time, the class of 1963 had the most in attendance. Twenty-one classmates were there to take top honors for best turnout of the 23 classes.
An especially heartwarming recognition was given to two of the graduates in attendance who turned their high school years into a life-long relationship. Russell Holloway, class of ‘50, and Audrie Cumbie Holloway, class of ‘52, were La Feria high school sweethearts who married after Audrie’s graduation. What started as a LFHS romance turned into a marriage that’s lasted for 64 years. Gratitude was also given to all the veterans who served during the Korean and Vietnam conflicts, including Army Specialist 4, Francis “Pancho” Maples, class of ’66, KIA 1967 in Vietnam.
An award was presented to Roger Daniel, class of ’65, for his work in creating and maintaining an email list of classmates. Through emails and Facebook he works to keep them informed about the latest events of interest involving classmates and news about the city of La Feria.
Irene Zuniga, class of ’63, who has been a co-coordinator for the previous multi-class reunions in 2010 and 2013, announced that this reunion was her last. She worked with Kathryn Mitchell Gamble, class of ’59, on the 2010 and 2013 reunions, and took the lead on the 2016, assisted by Janie Puente Garcia, class of ’67. After 3 triannual reunions, Ms. Zuniga hopes that this reunion celebration continues under new leadership.