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Donato “Don” Garcia Appointed to La Feria City Commission
- Updated: February 24, 2017

Donato “Don” Garcia is sworn into the La Feria City Commission, Place 3 by retired Justice of the Peace and Associate La Feria Municipal Court Judge Arturo Salas. Photo: Cayetano Garza Jr./LFN
Longtime Commissioner and Former Mayor Victor Gonzalez Jr. Resigns Place 3 Due to Battle with Illness
by Cayetano Garza Jr./LFN
The La Feria City Commission held its last scheduled regular meeting on Tuesday night, February 14th, at 6:30 p.m. in the City Commission Meeting Room at 115 E. Commercial Avenue in La Feria.
After observing the usual protocols of a regular meeting the commission opened the floor to anyone present that might like to make a public comment.
Present at the meeting was local resident Gary Mitzel who had a few comments to make about safety concerns in the Palmera Heights subdivision.
Mr. Mitzel expressed his concerns over excessive speeding and the presence of stray animals in the subdivision. Although 15 mile per hour speed limit signs are posted throughout the subdivision, people tend to speed through the area. Mitzel admitted that residents are as guilty as non-residents, but that he was concerned about the danger it poses to pedestrians.
Asked by the commission whether he’d brought his concerns to the division’s management, Mitzel admitted he had but that he felt the need to bring concerns to the commission in hopes that they would encourage more regular visits by La Feria police to help stop the excessive speeding.
Mayor Olga H. Maldonado suggested that Mr. Mitzel invite the PD as well as animal control to the next home owner’s meeting for the subdivision to help address these concerns.
After closing the floor for public comments, the Commission addressed the next agenda item – the acceptance of the resignation of Commissioner Victor Gonzalez Jr. from the City Commission, Place 3, and the appointment of a qualified individual to fill the vacant position for the remainder of the unexpired term.
Place 3, as well as places 4 and 5, will be up for election in the upcoming May General Election.
Gonzalez has served the community of La Feria for seventeen years, as a member of the City Commission as well as Mayor, however illness forced Gonzalez to submit his letter of resignation on January 15th.
Gonzalez stood up from his seat and addressed the commission and those in attendance expressing his regret at having to step down and his gratefulness for having been blessed to serve the community of La Feria for so many years.
“In seventeen years you learn how to deal with citizens… they’re the ones that allow you to serve… it’s all due to their efforts,” Gonzalez said.
Addressing his fellow commission members he offered advice, “Be that person out there…” encouraging them to be involved as much as possible with the community at large.
“Thank you for allowing me to serve you.”

Garcia stood with his family for a photo after being sworn in to Place 3 of the La Feria City Commission last Tuesday night, February 14, 2017.
The commission motioned to accept Gonzalez’ resignation and in consideration of the next agenda item, Commissioner and Mayor Pro-Tem Esmeralda Lozano moved to appoint recently retired La Feria police chief Donato “Don” Garcia to replace Gonzalez in Place 3 on the La Feria City Commission.
The commission unanimously approved the appointment. Later in the meeting retired Justice of the Peace and Associate La Feria Municipal Court Judge Arturo Salas presided over Garcia’s oath of office. Afterward, Garcia took his seat with the commission to finish the meeting.
The commission passed Ordinance 2017-03 ordering the General Election scheduled for May 6, 2017 and that the Cameron County Elections Office will oversee the election. This was unanimously passed.
Next a resolution for creation of a Consent Agenda was considered by the Commission.
City Manager Jaime Sandoval explained to the commission the importance of having a Consent Agenda which would expedite routine administrative matters such as approval of minutes or bill approval during commission meetings.
“This is not for contracts and ordinances,” Sandoval stressed to the city commission. After some discussion the motion was passed unanimously.
The commission then opened the floor to a public hearing regarding input from the public concerning the La Feria Industrial Development Corporations specific use permit for alcohol sales during the upcoming Fiesta de La Feria Celebration.
There were no community members present to voice opposition to the permit however before the floor was closed to comments and the request for the permit approved, Commissioner Lozano expressed concerns about problems that might arrise from alcohol consumption at the event.
La Feria Police Chief Cesar Diaz was present and reassured the commission that the event would be well monitored by security and there would be many extra police from surrounding communities, local partners and constables present to help manage the event. The motion was passed and the request approved.
A public hearing was held for the final plat of Los Encinos subdivision presented by Planning and Community Development Director Paula Rodriguez. There were no community members present so the floor was closed and the motion made to approve the item.
The next agenda item was an ordinance for the rezoning of three properties annexed by the city in 2013 from R-1 Single Residential to C-2 General Commercial District.
Concerns were raised by Commissioner Lozano over the types of businesses that would be allowed to use the properties due to the proximity of private residences however further discussion and consultation with the city attorney reassured the commissioners that there would be an opportunity to vet prospective businesses when the time came for permits to be approved for those properties.
Commissioner Lozano motioned to table the item for future discussion, which was passed despite two votes against by Commissioners Hoff and Zuniga.
Next a Memorandum of Understanding between Immigration and Customs enforcement and Local, County, or State Law Enforcement Agency for the reimbursement of joint operations expenses from the Treasury Forfeiture Fund. Presented by City Manager Sandoval with some explanation from Police Chief Diaz, the item was approved unanimously.
The commission then considered a motion for an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement between the town of Combes, the city of Los Indios and the city of La Feria for Community Health Worker Services in the City of La Feria. UT Health Science Center would conduct classes using La Feria City facilities. The item was approved.
The next agenda item was consideration of approval to allow firm Severn Trent to evaluate the city’s operation, maintenance and management of the water and wastewater facilities and lift stations. Severn Trent representative Osvaldo Garza was present to discuss how the firm would evaluate the city’s water and wastewater facilities and present recommendations should violations or deficiencies be found at no initial charge to the city. The item was passed unanimously.
The next agenda item approving the Body Worn Camera grant application and acceptance of funding was unanimously approved. This would allow for the city to receive reimbursement from the Office of the Governor for new body worn camera equipment that the La Feria PD would be purchasing.
The commission also approved the following item allowing an extension of contract with Alliance Recording System for the recording of all calls to the La Feria PD and dispatch.
Before going into executive session, the commission also approved a resolution approving the Operation Stonegarden grant application and acceptance of funding.
The next regular meeting of the La Feria City Commission will be Tuesday, February 28th, at 6:30 p.m. in the City Commission Meeting Room at 115 E. Commercial Avenue in La Feria.
Agendas can be viewed and downloaded from the city’s website at www.cityoflaferia.com/boards-and-commissions/.
Meetings are open to the public.