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Meet the Candidates
- Updated: April 7, 2017
City Commission Places 3, 4, and 5 to be filled on May 6th Election
Place 3 Candidates
Donato Garcia
Dear La Feria Citizens,
My name is Donato “Don” Garcia and I humbly request your vote as City of La Feria Commissioner Place 3.
I have dedicated my life to my family and spent over 30 years serving our community as a former police officer and as a now retired City of La Feria Police Chief. In February 2017, I was appointed to serve as City Commissioner Place 3 to complete the remaining term for Commissioner Victor Gonzalez Jr. who retired for health reasons. I stand ready and willing to serve the needs and goals of the City of La Feria while ensuring the continued respect for all of our residents, current and prospective businesses, school district and other organizations.
As your future City of La Feria Commissioner Place 3, I give you my word that I will work alongside the city commission and administration to continue the rebuilding of trust between the community and city hall. It is important that our city continues the positive direction that it has taken and continue to identify economic development opportunities. It is my privilege to continue to serve our community.
Thank you and God bless,
Donato “Don” Garcia
Alma Martinez
Dear Friends and Residents of La Feria,
I am running for La Feria City Commissioner Position #3 and I humbly ask for your support and vote.
I have lived in La Feria since the age of three, I love La Feria.
I want to be the voice for all residents working hard every day to make ends meet and are raising children, like my parents did with us.
I was educated through the La Feria School System and returned after a few years of college to raise my family here and to be close to my parents and grandparents.
I want to give back to the community for what it has offered me. Currently, I volunteer at school, city, and chamber events every chance I get.
As commissioner, I want to start programs to give every child the best opportunities. Job growth is critical to making that dream come true, so I will work tirelessly toward that end.
La Feria is poised to grow as we complete investments in water, sewer, recreational, and drainage improvements.
My thoughts are pure and my prayer is for a better La Feria where it is possible to make our dream come true. I have worked several jobs and I am currently working with two non-profit entities here in La Feria where I get the chance to help others in their need. I want to improve the quality of life and expand opportunities for our children’s future.
Alma Martinez
Place 4 Candidates
Julian Guevara, Jr.
Saludos, City of La Feria!
My name is Julian Guevara Jr. and I sincerely request your vote as your candidate for City Commissioner Place 4.
The term for which you elected me in 2014 is one that I have worked dutifully and with tremendous respect and focus in order to begin the rebuilding of the broken trust between La Feria citizens and our local government. A part of the rebuilding of trust began with strongly supporting and pushing for the implementation of government transparency that our entire community deserves. Alongside my fellow commissioners, I have made difficult decisions that while unpopular with some, do indeed benefit the needs and growth potential of the entire City of La Feria.
In true commitment to and honesty in budget development and fiscal responsibility, I fully support our new administration in their work to modernize and develop policies that will ensure integrity based budgets and financial reporting. Part of this backing includes persisting forward until any and all missing funds are returned to our city.
Thank you for your continued trust and support in me. I appreciate your vote.
Julian Guevara, Jr., La Feria City Commissioner, Place 4
Ignacio A. Garcia
Greetings fellow citizens of La Feria, my name is Ignacio A. García, a candidate for the La Feria City Commissioner Position Place 4. My wife Frances and I moved to La Feria in 2002. My background is in the field of education. I am also a U.S. Army veteran.
As a candidate for City Commissioner my goals are to promote job growth for the city and ensuring city government transparency. My background as a Federal Programs Director, school principal, and bilingual education coordinator have given me the knowledge to work with and prepare multi-million dollar budgets, to ensure compliance with governmental rules and regulation and an understanding of human resources needs.
With the City of La Feria, I have served on the La Feria Industrial Development Corporation Board. This experience has given me an insight into the economic progress in La Feria for the past 10 years and the experience needed in running the city effectively and safeguarding taxpayer dollars.
In summary, my promise and commitment for La Feria is to use the values of hard work, honesty and integrity as your commissioner. These are values I learned from my parents and the U.S. Army.
May God Bless La Feria.
Place 5 Candidates
Esmeralda Lozano
Dear La Feria Residents,
My name is Esmeralda Lozano and I ask for your continued support and for your vote as City of La Feria Commissioner Place 5.
My dedication and hard work these past three years involved taking an active role in helping my hometown to succeed and achieve its full potential.
Learning about the city’s implemented business practices and processes became a priority. When choosing a contractor who would best serve the City’s goals, I recognized the need for and initiated the practice of having our city administration provide hard copies of contractor bids and all supporting documentation for the commissioners’ review and in order to ask critical questions of the company prior to awarding a contract. As simple as this important practice sounds, it had not been previously implemented. Moreover, and in listening to your concerns, the current commission helped to identify the need for improved customer service between city hall and our customers and have worked diligently to ensure mutually respectful and successful interactions and transactions.
La Feria deserves respect and as such, I remain unapologetic in demanding and seeking the truth, especially in the pursuit of the missing city funds.
Thank you,
Esmeralda Lozano
Jesse Garcia, Jr.
I was born and raised in Houston, Texas but my family and I have called La Feria our home for the past 26 years. I have been married for 37 years with three adult children and seven grandchildren. I’m asking for your vote for City of La Feria Commission Position #5 on May 6, 2017.
My professional background is in the telecommunication industry. I have gone from a field technician for a large Houston firm to owning my own business. I want to help others interested in starting a business. I’m experienced with the challenges faced by business. With a well thought out plan, sound government, and hard work we can make La Feria a place where businesses want to locate and existing businesses to expand. I plan to work with our Industrial and Economic Development Corporation Boards to pursue good manufacturing and industrial jobs for the citizens La Feria.
I currently serve as a volunteer for Fiesta de La Feria and Christmas Parade. For many years I proudly served as a Volunteer Fire Fighter, rank of Lieutenant. I am also a member of the La Feria Lions Club and serve on the City Zoning Board of Adjustments Board.
I am saddened by recent events that have left our community at a standstill, with no new projects coming in, and no progress being made. Above all, the good name and reputation of our community has been placed at risk. After much consideration, and with the full support of my family and friends,
I am ready to stand up and make a difference.