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La Feria City Commission Holds First Meeting of New Year
- Updated: January 26, 2018
La Feria City Commission approved a permit for Kenny’s Funland to set up carnival February 15-25. Photo: Kenny’s Funland Facebook Page
City Approves Carnival Permit, Ordinance for Upcoming Fiesta and Renews Contract for PD Recording Service
by Martha E. Ibarra/LFN
The first city commission meeting of 2018 was held on Tuesday, January 16, in the city commission meeting room. The meeting began with an invocation, pledge of allegiance, and determination of quorum, followed by the approval of minutes of the previous city meeting and the quarterly investment report.
Mayor Olga Maldonado then held a public hearing regarding the request for a permit for Kenny’s Funland. After closing the public hearing, the commission approved the permit allowing Kenny’s Funland to hold a carnival from February 15th through the 25th.
Before the meeting was adjourned, the commission also approved an ordinance that will temporarily close certain streets during the 2018 Fiesta de La Feria. The extension of a contract with Alliance Recording System for the La Feria Police Department was discussed and approved as well.
The next city meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 23, at 6:30 PM in the city commission meeting room located at 115 E. Commercial Avenue in La Feria. Full coverage of that meeting on our website next Friday.