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County Completes Precinct 4 Construction Project
- Updated: December 14, 2018
Precinct 4 Commissioner Gus Ruiz is flanked by Tony Martinez, a U.S. Marine veteran, to his right, and by Texas Rep. Eddie Lucio III, to his left, as Ruiz asked the audience to do jumping jacks. Photo: Tony Vindell/LFN
by Tony Vindell/LFN
It seems like more historical moments are taking place in Cameron County today.
The new headquarters for the county’s Precinct 4 Commissioner Gus Ruiz has been completed and was dedicated during a ceremony attended by several hundred people.
“Welcome to modern Precinct 4 headquarters,” Ruiz said at the Nov. 29 event on White Ranch Road. “We have been monitoring the weather for the last twenty four hours and found out we were good to go.”
The nearly $2 million construction project was built on land donated by Leon and Linda Bence and the building was named after them.
Ruiz said when during last year’s groundbreaking the weather was extremely cold and drizzling.
Ruiz said he was glad to see this day come.
He told the crowd his precinct employees did a superb job during the June downpour that dumped close to 20 inches of rainfall on some parts of the county.
“But hot or cold, rain or shine, these are the guys who take care of Precinct 4,” Ruiz said as he introduced the nearly 40 employees. “These guys represent Precinct 4.”
He said his precinct has more than 52 roads, or the most roads in the county, and covers more than 100,000 people.
Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino described the unveiling as a special moment for Precinct 4 and for the county.
“A little more than a year ago we held a ground breaking for this project,” he said. “And here we are today. Isn’t this a beautiful building?”