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Meet the Candidates
- Updated: April 19, 2019
Election on May 4th for Mayor, Commission Places 1, 2
Candidates for Mayor
Olga Maldonado
The past four years reflect the strength of our community as we have thrived and grown during some of the most difficult fiscal and administrative challenges that our City of La Feria has ever faced. Your continued support of our Commissioners, Senior Administrative Team and of me as your Mayor has allowed us to make the necessary decisions to create the transparent financial accounting and reporting processes that have both allowed our City to finally build a growing reserve in our debt account with Cameron County and also helped us to restructure the inherited debt of past administrations in order to begin paying it off. Not an easy feat by any means but one that our Senior Administrative Team has had tremendous success in addressing all the while ensuring that we remain within structurally balanced operations resulting in a positive general fund balance, something that our community had been deprived of for many years.
Our community’s economic development has been one of my hallmark priorities, as it has been also for our City Commission, in order to rebuild, strengthen and grow our economy. To that end, we have welcomed a variety of new business life into our town ranging from our delicious eateries to our nostalgic retro store; from a propane gas provider to our newest pet grooming business; from our tire service shops to an ever-growing general contracting, design-build and construction management services firm projected to infuse $15 million into our local economy. We are equally proud and very excited to support the expansion of Our Lady of the Lake University and with it, the educational and professional career options of our local and regional communities.
As Mayor, I work closely with the City Commissioners and our Senior Administrative Team to address the needs and concerns of our community. We continue to aggressively seek and apply for grants that will allow us to fix our roads and help improve our community’s overall quality of life.
You have entrusted me to always be honest and transparent with you from the moment that you voted for me to be your Mayor. I need your vote and continued support to continue as Mayor so that together with our City Commission and Administrative Team, we can continue to lead La Feria towards economic growth, debt reduction, and maintaining a balanced budget.
Ronaldo Ortiz
Hello, my name is Ronaldo Ortiz; I am your candidate for Mayor for the City of La Feria, Texas. In the position that I seek as your next Mayor, I will serve you wholeheartedly with sound judgment, access and transparency. I feel that our community deserves someone who is visible, available and welcomes the opportunity to freely express opinions without fear of reprisal and marginalization. As I speak with the members of our community, I hear their concerns in their voices, but I also hear voices of hope and enthusiasm for something new and a better future for our city.
I am ready to listen and hear constructive opinions and suggestions from all citizens of La Feria. Upon being elected, I will immediately roll up my sleeves and work to make La Feria a better place to live, to raise a family and to contribute to its prosperity and legacy. I worked with people for many years in the course of my calling as Pastor of the La Feria Christian Center, a wonderful congregation. They are my seal of approval of all that we have accomplished for 35 uninterrupted years.
I served and chaired in various committees throughout the years and also served in the La Feria Independent School District as a member of the School Board trustees from 2005-2008. I am currently the Chairmen of the Planning and Zoning Commission, serving since 2009. All of my three daughters, Esmeralda, Crystal and Jessica graduated from La Feria High School. My wife and I live and work in this city since 1984.
I believe I can lead this city to the fullness of its potential and eternal destiny. God has a purpose for this community, and I believe that I am the right choice to make this happen. I humbly ask for the opportunity to be your voice and advocate, and I will offer you leadership, sound governance and humble service. Don’t allow apathy or indifference keep you from exercising your right to vote. Please exercise that right on May 4, 2019. God bless you and God bless the City of La Feria.
Place 1 Candidates
Jesse Zuniga
Serving as City Commissioner Place 1 for the past three years has been one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of my life. Together with the rest of the commission and city administration, we have taken the necessary steps to develop an organized financial system that involves checks and balances as well as the inclusion of necessary documentation back up that supports the monies paid out and the revenue that is received. We have implemented effective measures to pay the debt that aggressively accumulated under the previous administration and we are equally focused on attracting and recruiting business partners seeking to invest in our community in order to grow their business and help expand our local economy.
With your support and vote, we will continue to work with great diligence and respect for our community in order to improve the quality of life that you, your family and our business partners so richly deserve.
My fellow Commissioners and our City Administration are fully aware of the much needed infrastructure development and repair, such as the expansion of our City of La Feria Police Department and the repair of streets. To help us address the required funding of these and other needs that our City has; we are aggressively seeking Federal and State grant funds and other financial resources. Equally important is the need to continue the careful balancing of the repayment of debt, the growth of our business industry and the continued operation of the city within a balanced budget.
Three years ago, I promised that I would utilize my 25 years (now 28 years) in business management to help our City Administration in the development of the City’s balanced budget and in addressing pressing issues facing our beloved City.
I also promised to show up, be prepared, be respectful, listen and be active in all decisions that the City Commission made in order to ensure economic growth for our community and the improvement of the quality of life for all. I have kept my promises and I have become a better community advocate in large part due to the awesome City Commissioners and City Administration teams who are truly working hard for all the citizens of the City of La Feria. With your continued support and with your vote, I will continue to work hard for you, your family and our community and businesses.
Alma Martinez-Botello
I have proudly served my city, school district, church, and veterans through various causes. As City Commissioner, I will continue to serve my community through positive actions and endeavors. Our city needs a new voice of optimism coupled with thoughtful yet quick action. Together we can lift up our community and head in a path of progression and opportunity.
I will help create an environment where our business community can thrive because government does not create jobs, people create jobs. Developing strong Honest lines of communication from government to community. Open and active lines of communication is the only way to know what our community needs and how we can meet those needs. It is to listen.
Fresh ideas and fresh perspective and fresh voice should be welcomed. You will agree that over the last few years there has been a decline and stand still in our city. Our children’s future and opportunities for our families are so important and that’s why I am running for office. I am committed and determined to find solutions to problems that have festered in our city for too long. Our city needs more economic activity, needs more jobs, and new leadership and primarily new opportunities for ALL the people of La Feria.
I am qualified for the job and ready and committed to work for you! I humbly ask for your vote Early Election starts April 22 thru April 30 and Election May 4th. Vote with your heart! Vota con Alma!
- La Feria High School graduate with honors
- Attended San Jacinto College in Houston, TX – Computer Science
- Director of Operations, South Texas Collaborative for Housing Development, Inc.
- Director of Operations, South Texas Emerging Markets Development Fund, Inc.
- Member, La Feria Chamber of Commerce –Outreach Director
- Member, La Feria Veterans Memorial Committee
- Member, La Feria Lions Club
- Member, La Feria ISD – District Planning Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, Parental Involvement, 5 years PTO Officer, The Student Health Advisory Council
- Lead Organizer, Annual Community Thanksgiving Feast of Sharing
- A resident of La Feria 30+ years
- Member of St. Francis Xavier Church -Catechism teacher and Food Pantry Volunteer
Place 2 Candidate
Devin Martinez
My name is Devin Rey Martinez, and I am seeking reelection as your City Commissioner. I am asking for our citizens to come out and show their support this reelection. I look forward to continue working with our current city council, as we continue to do what is best for our community. As a team, we will always make diligent decisions that best suit the needs of our citizens. We will continue pushing our community in a positive direction, a direction that enables us to present our citizens with opportunities and quality civic services. Whether we are making our city safer or helping our city grow economically; I’d like to thank our citizens for allowing me to be in this position. With your continued support, we can keep on moving our city forward.