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La Feria ISD’s Strides to Promote Literacy Roll-On
- Updated: July 6, 2023
Emilio Flores
La Feria, Texas — La Feria Independent School District (LFISD) has taken an innovative approach to promoting literacy skills among children in the district and the wider community. Superintendent Cynthia Torres recently shared details about LFISD’s latest initiative, saying, “In an effort to assist children in our district and community to improve their literacy skills, La Feria ISD renovated a retired school bus and turned it into a mobile literacy bus that will be used to serve the students in our community.” Torres says the bus will also be used around the community by the school’s Parental Department for parent outreach.
The idea behind the literacy bus is to provide a unique and accessible platform for students to enhance their reading and writing abilities. A retired school bus, seemed like a perfect opportunity to create a mobile learning space that could travel. This enables LFISD to serve students outside the traditional classroom environment.
This project was entirely grant-funded. “All funds that were used for the project were received from the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. Funds from this grant are used to address the needs of students learning loss and summer and extended day learning.” Torres says.
Superintendent Torres shared the timeline for the bus’s launch, stating that it will begin visiting neighborhoods in July. The first stop is scheduled for July 25 at Adams Garden at 2:00 p.m., followed by a visit to Lions Den Apartments on July 27 at 10:00 a.m. Students who visit the literacy bus will receive a free book for summer reading and have the opportunity to participate in interactive literacy games. Moreover, LFISD plans to showcase the mobile bus at the La Feria ISD/City of La Feria Back to School Bash in August.
To ensure parents and community members stay informed and up-to-date about the bus’s schedule, Torres says to check out their website and social media platforms. By sharing these details, Superintendent Torres hopes to encourage parents to bring their children and take advantage of this unique opportunity to foster a love for reading and writing.
Superintendent Torres shared her enthusiasm for the mobile literacy bus, emphasizing its potential to create literacy-rich environments beyond the school day. By reaching out into the community, LFISD aims to promote a culture of reading and writing that extends beyond the traditional classroom setting.
As the community eagerly awaits the launch of the bus at the end of the month, parents are encouraged to stay updated on the schedule and seize the opportunity to embark on an exciting journey of learning and discovery aboard the LFISD mobile literacy bus.