La Feria News

City Council Approves Closing Streets in Anticipation of Annual Christmas Parade

by Tony Vindell/LFN

Several streets will be closed on Saturday Dec. 8 for the 20th annual Christmas parade in La Feria.

The city council approved closing a portion of Main, Ninth and Canales streets for the parade route that will end with the local high school’s Christmas festival.

The parade lineup usually begins at 5:00 p.m. and the parade starts at 6 p.m.

Once it ends at the school along Canales Street, the Winter Festival will follow at Lions Stadium.

Everyone is invited to join the celebration.

In other business, the council approved entering into a service agreement with the University of Texas Health Science Center at

Houston to promote a Supplemental Nutrition Education program.

Under it, nutritional and exercise classes will be offered free of charge to any city resident willing to participate in the program.

The city is now working to set up the classes and will make an announcement once they are ready.

The council also accepted the completion of a sanitary sewer improvement project funded through the Texas Water Development Board.

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