- Lions End First Half of 32-4A on a High Note
- La Feria ISD Held Another Successful Parent Conference
- Strong Appearance for Lions at Hidalgo Power Meet
- LFECHS Students Get to Meet Local Actress
- Students Participate in Marine Biology Camp
- Two LFECHS Students Qualify for All-State Band
- Lions, Lionettes Add Wins in Basketball
- City Council Discuss Grants, Sidewalk Improvements & More
- Fiesta de La Feria is Right Around the Corner
- Popular National Chain Opens in La Feria
Local Student Places 1st at STPGA Junior Tournament
By Nelda Briones Local Jr. golfer Alliana Briones placed 1st at the local Spring STPGA Junior Tournament...
Santa Maria district employees and locals receive vaccination
By Nelda BrionesLFN A vaccination clinic was held recently in Santa Maria. Vouchers became available Thursday morning...
Port of Harlingen begins Rider 38 projects
HARLINGEN, TX – The Port of Harlingen began preliminary work for five projects for upgrades and construction...
Balzadua best of the best
David Balzadua of Santa Rosa was selected as the US Army Player of the Game for the...
La Feria as a welding industry leader
Welding is not so male-dominated after all By Eliud Medina Four and a half percent. According to...
Canal fishing contest in Mercedes
The Mercedes Lions Club will hold a Canal Fishing Contest from 8:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. on...
La Feria crushes Grulla, heads into spring break
By KEVIN NARROLa Feria News LA FERIA-The Lionettes will head into their Spring Break with some confidence.La...
WMV Lions Club host golf tournament
The Weslaco Mid-Valley Lions Club are having their annual scholarship golf Tournament (Julian Flores, Jr. Memorial Scholarship...
La Feria ISD employees receive vaccine
By Nelda BrionesLFN On March 2, 2021 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had determined that...