La Feria News

South Texas ISD Kicks Off Their Convocation with Magic

By Mike Villarreal

On August 12th, the South Texas ISD kicked off its District Convocation with a remarkable event that left everyone entertained and motivated. This year’s welcome back was exciting, featuring a surprise performance by the talented students and stars of STISD’s Fine Arts Academy. “Harry Potter & Magic of Knowledge” took everyone on a captivating journey that enthralled the audience.

The hard work and dedication of STISD’s first-ever Fine Arts Academy participants made the outstanding performance possible. These students participated in a three-week program over the summer, immersing themselves in set building, prop crafting, choreography, and learning new music for the production.

Under the guidance of the exceptional Fine Arts Academy instructors, they brought the magic of the theme to life, captivating the audience and leaving a lasting impression.

A round of applause is certainly in order for the students, teachers, and staff who poured their hearts into making this unforgettable performance a reality.

Photos from South Texas ISD Facebook Page

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