- La Feria Community Holds Succesful Business Mixer Event
- Little Nashville to Take Place in Downtown Mercedes
- Lions Basketball Captures District Gold
- La Feria ISD Students Compete in Regional Chess Tournament
- Lions End First Half of 32-4A on a High Note
- La Feria ISD Held Another Successful Parent Conference
- Strong Appearance for Lions at Hidalgo Power Meet
- LFECHS Students Get to Meet Local Actress
- Students Participate in Marine Biology Camp
- Two LFECHS Students Qualify for All-State Band
Great Tips to Get in Shape and Stay in Shape
(StatePoint) Losing weight and living a healthier lifestyle top millions of people’s list of goals. Unfortunately, it’s...
Presentation on OLLU PHD Program at Latest Chamber Meeting
by Victor Moreno/LFN At the La Feria Area Chamber of Commerce monthly meeting, those in attendance were...
La Feria Represented at Comic Con
by Victor Moreno/LFN South Texas Comic Con was held for its fourth year at the McAllen Convention...
Proposal Bars Texas Schools from ‘Lunch Shaming’ Students
by Mark Richardson AUSTIN, Texas – Texas is joining New Mexico, California and other states in trying...
Vietnam Veteran Has Wish Granted
Day to be long remembered U.S. Marine Corps Vietnam veteran David Guevara, 69, had his wish to...
Study: Solitary Confinement on Texas Death Row is Torture
by Mark Richardson HUNTSVILLE, Texas – The Texas prison system’s policy of housing all people on death...
City Approved Agreement with Cameron County for Fire Services
by Martha E. Ibarra/LFN The La Feria city commission held a regularly scheduled city meeting on Tuesday,...
LFHS Band Students Invited to Participate in First Annual South Texas College Honor Band
Special to La Feria News Nathanael Salas and Emily Guerra from the La Feria High School received...
North Cameron Annual Relay for Life Raises Money to Fight Cancer
This year’s North Cameron Relay for Life was held at the La Feria High School Stadium at...
Rio Farms Wine Festival 2017
“Texas Now Producing Premium Wine Grapes” Some things just get better with age. That is true of...