- Lions End First Half of 32-4A on a High Note
- La Feria ISD Held Another Successful Parent Conference
- Strong Appearance for Lions at Hidalgo Power Meet
- LFECHS Students Get to Meet Local Actress
- Students Participate in Marine Biology Camp
- Two LFECHS Students Qualify for All-State Band
- Lions, Lionettes Add Wins in Basketball
- City Council Discuss Grants, Sidewalk Improvements & More
- Fiesta de La Feria is Right Around the Corner
- Popular National Chain Opens in La Feria
Fun With Etiquette
Business Dining Etiquette
Dear Ms. Etiquette, I am a little confused on how I am supposed to greet business associates...
Catholic Etiquette
Q: I’m feeling increasingly frustrated by my evangelical neighbors who seemed determined to “convert” my children. Although...
Conversation Etiquette
Dear Ms. Wolcott, I have to mention something that absolutely drives me crazy. Have you ever been...
Business Etiquette
Dear Ms. Wolcott, Recently we had questions about doing things that go beyond the office norm. When...
Caring for the Visually Impaired
Dear Ms. Wolcott, I have a mother who is slowly losing her eyesight. She is extremely active...
Etiquette for Restaurateurs
Dear Ms. Etiquette, I eat at many restaurants simply because I don’t like to cook at home...
Fun With Etiquette: Etiquette for Students
Dear Ms. Etiquette, I am a teacher at a local school and would like to hear you...
Fun with Etiquette: Parents and Etiquette
Dear Ms. Etiquette, I went to a function this past weekend where there were many children along...
Fun with Etiquette: Excellent Customer Service
What are your top 5 must have’s for displaying “Excellent Customer Service?” I like how an etiquette...
Fun with Etiquette: Embarrassed Beyond Words
Dear Ms. Etiquette, I am mortified beyond words at what my oldest son did and am wondering...